Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Brenden and Bryleigh - updates

Well, Bryleigh is now one month old so Brenden and mommy took her to the doctor yesterday for her check up. They were very pleased with her growth and how she is doing so far. She is starting to sleep for 4 hours and then wake up to eat. After she eats she is normally awake for awhile looking around, making noises, and kicking her legs. She is very strong so we're worried she'll be moving around sooner than we want. At her appointment they said she is now 7 lbs. 14 oz. and 20 1/4 in. That means that she has grown almost 1 inch in a month and has gained over 2 lbs. since she was released from the hospital! She is a growing girl which is very exciting for us. She is also taking some of her feeds from the bottle so we can start preparing her for Nana's house since that is coming up in less than 2 weeks. So far, she seems to do well with the bottle and doesn't resist it at all when it's offered to her. Maybe that's why she's gaining the weight?! Ha! She is also doing a good job of tolerating her big brother as he gains more and more interest in her. He is asking to hold her everyday now and is also laying down beside her to "cuddle" some in the mornings. We just worry about her when he wants to "tickle" her or "give" her the paci because both of those look more like a beating than a friendly interaction between peers. Overall though, she appears to be a tough cookie and we're very excited to see her grow and change everyday!
Brenden is also growing up so much each day. His language has really blossomed over the past few weeks and we're constantly laughing at the things that he comes up with everyday. He's very into imaginative play and has pretend friends that come over and play every once in awhile which can be freaky but yet fun to watch. He also likes to pretend that there are monsters in the house so we're constantly hiding from them and then reminding him that monsters are not real...too much fun! Today, Brenden returned to preschool which was VERY exciting. He didn't want to go when he first woke up but then was eager to get out the door when the time came. His teachers said he did a great job and enjoyed playing with all of his friends. They said he didn't want to do carpet time at first but after seeing everyone else having fun over there, he quickly joined them in the activity. He loved seeing Mommy and Bryleigh come to pick him up afterwards and then called Daddy on the way home to tell him all about his day. We're very proud of him for doing such a good job in situations like this every time they are presented to him. We know we're fortunate!
It's so bittersweet to see your children changing in front of your eyes each day. It's a blessing that we get to be a part of their lives and witness their growth and change, but it's very sad to see them become big boys and girls every day. We just hope we're soaking it all up while we can and that we're steering them in the direction we want them to go in the future. That is our prayer daily!

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