Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Snow Day - 2009

Brenden was very excited to wake up and discover we had snow on Tuesday. His discovery went something like this:

"Good Morning Mommy!"

"Hey Buddy! Go look outside the door."

"Okay" He walked over to the sliding door rubbing his eyes.

"What do you see?"

"I don't know.........MOMMY! What happened to our grass?!"

"What happened to our grass? I don't know Bug...what do you see?"


He was so excited and could not wait to get bundled up to go out and play. He went out about 4 different times throughout the day enjoying the fun. Each time he went out it was a struggle to get him back in even though his hands were frozen and he was complaining about being cold. He probably would have stayed out there forever if we would have let him. Below are just some of the pictures we took during the day.

P.S. Bryleigh had already been out in the snow before so we weren't as eager to take her out in it this time, even for a great photo opportunity. Instead, she enjoyed sitting inside with Mommy, drinking her milk, and watching her brother play on the deck! ;)


The Good Family said...

I just showed these to Avery (after telling him that we couldn't go play in the snow again today as I needed to start getting ready for work) and he said, "But Brenden is playing in the snow! I want to go to Brenden's house!" Ha! :) Maybe Mema & Pepa will take him out...

lov said...

fun fun!
we only had enough snow to keep us out of school for the day
it was all gone by 11
but ....
it was beautiful coming down!

Zach and Laura Hanlon said...

LOVE the mini snowman! I definitely think inside is the best place for us girls... it's way too cold out there!

Hope you had a blast with your family the past few days, it's nice being a teacher :)