Monday, December 29, 2008

Bryleigh - 5 months old

That's right... Bryleigh is now five months old and she is changing every day. The biggest change recently is that she got her first cold. She started with a little bit of a cough and runny nose on Tuesday of last week and then it kept getting worse each day. We've called and talked to the dr about 3 times during this period because the cough was just so pitiful and didn't seem to be progressing much at all. They told us that they thought we were doing everything fine and to just keep up the good work. Yesterday, she was just not herself and spent most of the morning fussing, coughing, and crying. Around 5:00 she had a fever of 101.0 and so we called the doctor again and started Tylenol. We took her in first thing this morning and ta-da...her first ear infection. They said that her left ear was DEFINITELY infected but that her right ear was in the beginning stages of an infection. We started the amox. and are keeping our fingers crossed that she will feel more like herself VERY soon!

At the appointment they weighed her and she was 12lbs. 14.5 oz. She's still eating great and is starving for attention. We think it's the diva in her that wants everyone to focus on her and listen when she is talking...already! She is putting her paci in her mouth by herself a lot of times and is reaching for lots of different toys, objects, or whatever is within reach. She still HATES tummy time but loves to lay on her back and stretch side to side to look around her. We're not able to sneak around her any more because she is so observant and is constantly watching everything that passes by her. She is still loving the crib, laughs constantly at Brenden, and is starting to show signs that she is ready to eat. We look forward to trying some rice cereal once she heals more from this cold.
We're still adjusting to life with 2 kids but it's really not too bad. Brenden is a great brother and helps us out more and more each day. He enjoys tickling her and singing "I like to move it, move it" to make her giggle. We still feel so blessed with our 2 angels and don't let a day pass without singing praises to God for all that He has done by giving them to us. Psalms 69:30 (NLT) "I will praise God's name with singing, and I will honor him with thanksgiving."

Below are just a few more pictures that we have taken of her recently...enjoy! :)


Zach and Laura Hanlon said...

She is definitely has changed since I've seen her last!! Wow... 5 months already! She is way too cute :) Hope she is feeling better, we still are getting over the last bit of our colds!

lov said...

she is tooo cute!!
i think brenden needs to have a talk with her about the tummy time, and the more that she does it, the more possibilities she will have in life....
next time he is singing to her about moving....he should let her in on the secret that she could be the one moving it....someday soon! :)
(can you tell i'm still half asleep!!)

oh and....i've got an award for you on my page!

Courtney said...

Poor baby! I am so glad that you were persistent though with talking to the dr.
Oh,and I LOVE that she is 12 lbs, crack me up that Zeke is another baby bigger than her! (6 lbs)
Also really glad that he isn't the only one that hates tummy time