Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow Day...again!

March has just started and already we're a little unsure of what we should expect out of this month. This morning we woke up to yet, another snow day. Brenden was super excited when he got out of bed and looked out into the yard. Bryleigh, on the other hand, seemed to enjoy the toys inside the house more than her playtime in the snow. Below are just a few of the pictures that we took during our adventures this morning. :)
Bryleigh watching Brenden as he plays outside.

Brenden (looking a little evil) throwing a snowball at Mommy.

Brenden and Bryleigh hanging out in the snow.

Bryleigh watching Mommy to make sure she doesn't have to stay out in the snow too long.
Brenden LOVES to catch the snow on his tongue...or TRY to catch it.

1 comment:

lov said...

she LOVES it!
i promise! :)

and love your new header!!
what did you use to make it?